oh God, I AM an ass…

Post Date: April 6, 2006 – 12:33 PM

ok, fine… so I did it. Even as my MySpace addiction increased I never felt the desire to decorate my page with fanciful backgrounds. I liked some people’s, most of them however distract from what’s offered on the page and makes them difficult to read/enjoy. (I know, I’m sorry… that’s sounds like I’m an ass. But I’m not, really… I’m a graphic designer, my visual senses are just more sensitive I guess. I don’t know, I’ve always been like this… If I ever offend, I’m sorry. granted, what I say is most likely still true (hehehe, sorry) but I apologize.) (oh God, I AM an ass…) ok, back to the point!…
I did it… I picked out a pre-made background… but it WAS kinda fun. Though there really are a large amount of bad options out there guys… really.
Today is Thursday isn’t it?.. I want this weekend so much. (sigh) I have no obligations/plans. I love that… maybe I’ll clean my apt., do laundry, hang some pictures… that sort of thing. Oh man, I really do love not “having” to do anything… it gives one the opportunity to do everything 🙂
The only downside is  that when Sunday night comes and if I REALLY haven’t accomplished anything but lay around (laundry not done, clutter still everywhere, spent money with nothing cool to show for it, etc.) Then I sit on my sofa and stay up too late pouting that I didn’t DO anything and now the weekend is over… hehehehehe… (sigh).